Thursday, September 08, 2005


To my Tio Juan who just recently past. Death is a very interesting subject to me, it has always been. What is even more interesting to me is the people who know they will be departing soon - I wonder is knowing better? Some people I have asked, say yes, because then you can say your good-byes, settle any business, make arrangements, make amends, etc.,etc. Some say no, it would be to scary or stressful to know, knowing will send you to the grave faster. I personally wouldn't want to know, but if I did, this is what I would do:


If I had one minute left before I died
What would I do...
Turn off the clock
Tell my mom I love her
Burn all my secrets
Give one last kiss Good-bye
Put on my favorite song
Sit in a Hot bath
Comb my Hair
Look at my self, one more Time
Enjoy myself
Laugh aloud


Feel Scared